Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Wordle is this sort of game that can create clouds of words that you choose. You can right down some thing and wordle will generate this really fun and cute cloud with your own words putting emphasis in the ones that are most repeated in the text. Ç
There are a lot and different designs you can pick and make a text more fun, like for example if you want to right a letter but you thing a normal one is to impersonal o boring you can go to this page and create a cloud with the text and make it totally different.
Maybe I can be fun for kids to play because they can learn that writing can be actually fun if you find an interesting way of showing your own words.

I honestly like it a lot and I’m going to try it

Keeping Fit

Of the little interviews I just made I got all different types of results that I actually didn’t hope.
There are a few people that do sports o some physical activity to keep fit but most of them don’t do anything except eating well and walk a little during the day. I realized that a lot of them don’t exercise because they don’t have time for it or the gyms are to far away, but if the had a gym right here in the university they would totally go…wish means that the problem with our sedentarism is not because we’re lazy, actually is because we don’t have time.
All of them agreed that the best and maybe only way of keeping fit are sport and eat the right things … none of them believe in pills or body lotions that are in the markets because most of them are fake or in the case that they can help you, they don’t do miracles so if you want to keep yourself in good shape, sports and a good daily meal are the option.